
    It’s comforting to know that there are those special people in the world that are selfless and courageous. That there are those people that are intelligent and of sound mind. People that take each day at a time and wake up with a smile – people that share their energy and happiness with the surrounding world. What would the world be without these people. We have personally experienced a taste of what the world would be like without such people. Daria was an amazing friend, dedicated student, and helpful peer. She gave every task her whole heart and was dedicated and full of ambition. The plans she mapped out in her life were solid and had a beautiful future. It grieves us to know such a person, like Daria, is now no longer able to fulfill her path on life.
    Daria was a beautiful person… She already, at the tender age of 19, has completed so much in life. It is interesting to think what she could have done with the rest of her life, with the courage, ambition, and positive attitude she possessed.
Truly, one does not meet a person like Daria everyday.


    Daria was a special individual who touched us all. I feel very fortunate to have known her, even if we weren’t as close as I would have hoped. With each semester, Daria revealed to all of us just how much of a caring, respectful, friendly, kind, loveable, sympathetic, intelligent and creative you person she was. She was the type of person I hope to become. I miss Daria each and everyday, studio is not the same without her here.
Jamie Macdonald
    I will always remember your smile. Not exactly this one pictured here on the right for AIAS elections, but the one you had on pretty much anytime we had a conversation. I with I could have known you better, before Pron’s studio in second year when you tried to master your super-gluing skills. Those drawings of Tara dancing are a permanent image in my head. Instead of continuing on about your talents, which we all know you have, I would just like to say to you I admire your motivation to be doing so much at such a young age. You are inspirational! And I for some reason I have in my mind our talks of architecture and boys… what a combination. I miss you.

Melissa Bernstein

    Well, his been a while since I’ve actually seen you and I keep waiting for you to come by the Engineering Architecture Library to say hi. If always makes my day a little brighter when you are around – your cheerfulness really makes an impact on people! It’s remarkable how you keep your chin up no matter what the circumstances…I know you have millions of times more assignments than I, and yet you manage not to get bogged down.
    I remember when I first met you Freshman year. I thought, who is this girl? Why does she act like she hasn’t a care in the world? But then I found out – it’s because your so gifted. You always meet the challengers studio brings you and surpass expectations. I will be waiting for you in the library...

    Daria was the first girl within the architecture program that I became friends with. Her and I both did not live in white hall our freshman years so we were both a little out of the loop with what was happening on a social basis outside of studio. She lived in Peabody and I in Harwick and we would walk home from studio in the morning together. I remember her kindness and the fact that she went out of her way to make friends with me being that I was much more shy and intimidated my freshman year. She even manager to remember my birthday and surprised me with a present. She gave me a framed picture of the Eiffel tower and it hangs on my wall in my room. She was a really amazing person and always full of energy and generosity. Her sweetness and kind heart left an impression on everyone.

Laura Halkias


      Although you and I never became very close, you still have a place in my heart. You had a way of touching each and every person you knew and for that I had a great deal of respect for you. You were an inspiration to everyone. Starting architecture school at such a young age and excelling as well as you did. No matter what you had done for studio, you presented with dignity and honor always half the time putting me to shame. I felt like you were someone I could look up to and perhaps aspire to be like. You lived life to fullest and managed to always have a smile on your face. I’m sorry you and I did not have a chance to get to know one another better. I Know you were a good person who was loved by so many. I will never forget about you. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you, especially while working on stuff for studio. You had such a lasting impression on all of us and for that I thank you. You touched my heart and taught me how great life can be and to live it to the fullest. You accomplished so much in such a short period of time. I can only hope that I get to experience as much in life as you. I miss you Daria, keep a watch over us, all of us and we will see you in the next life.

Jamie Macdonald